- Name
- ACS -1
- Alternate Names
- Alpha Cube Sat (ACS)
- Satellite ID
- YPWW-9437-9532-9009-5901
- Temporary NORAD ID
- 99281
- Followed NORAD ID
- None
- Website
- http://www.alphacubesat.com/
- Country of Origin
United States of America
Satellite is not yet in orbit

- Launch Date
- 2022-12-18T00:00:00+00:00
ACS -1 Alpha Cube Sat (ACS) is a 6U CubeSat spacecraft bus + 6U Trajectory Insertion Bus (Framed water bags, with remote controlled quick disconnect valves, and base plate) equipped with a Ka-band Software Defined Radio, a water based propulsion system, the Viable Autonomous Space Tracking (VAST) sensor/receiver set, and memorial cremains. The mission objectives are to provide early flight experience for cubesat scale advanced communications and propulsion systems, provide data in support of the development of VAST capabilities, and accommodate memorial cremains. Team ACS is a registered NASA Cube Quest Challenge participant. Time and resources permitting ACS will participate in the Deep Space Derby and/or the Lunar Derby.
No observations recorded for ACS -1 in the last 24h