- Name
- Satellite ID
- VJRG-4563-6320-7277-2016
- 58276
- Website
- https://GENMAT.xyz
- Country of Origin
United States of America
Satellite is in orbit and operational
- Launch Date
- 2023-11-11T18:49:00+00:00
- Deploy Date
- 2023-11-11T19:49:43+00:00
GENMAT-1 Technology Development, Demonstration and Deployment focused on correlated geodetic mineralogical data acquisition. GENMAT-1 is a 6U CubeSat equipped with a hyperspectral imager. 1. Hyperspectral imager payload focused on mineralogical assay capable of collecting hyperspectral imaging data between 450 nm and 900 nm. Data will be correlated with ground truth field observations on privately held land in Nevada and other locations deemed relevant to the research. 2. Interoperable Network Communications Architecture (INCA) Hyperspectral imaging application -- provides a source of burst high rate data (hyperspectral sensor) interacting with the spacecraft Software Defined Radios. Using the a combination of onboard computational capacity and ground based mission/payload operations control resources near real-time radio link Quality of Service (QoS) characterization in terms of performance, availability, and security will be performed. The resulting data will be correlated the near real-time state model of the end-to-end communications system. This is intended to further advancement of radio technologies enabling dynamic (rather than scheduled) allocation of communication resources and the evolution to INCA by testing systems with customer applications (i.e., real world requirements).
- Type
- Transmitter
- Downlink Mode
- Downlink Frequency
- 2245000000
- Baud
- 57000
- ITU Notifications
- ITU Notified [Link 1]
No observations recorded for GENMAT-1 in the last 24h
- TLE Source
- Space-Track.org
- TLE Updated
- 2025-01-18 03:53:30 UTC
- TLE Set
1 58276U 23174W 25017.69849005 .00012988 00000-0 56891-3 0 9991
2 58276 97.4241 94.2201 0008329 202.4274 157.6599 15.22117492 66231