Pony Express-2 SV1
Mission information
- Name
- Pony Express-2 SV1
- Alternate Names
- TYVAK-0261, PE2_FLT1
- Satellite ID
- LNQC-5899-0906-5843-5467
- 59105
- Country of Origin
United States of America
Satellite is in orbit and operational
Mission timeline
- Launch Date
- 2024-03-04T22:05:00+00:00
- Deploy Date
- 2024-04-04T00:35:33+00:00
PE_2 is technology demonstration mission funded and built by Tyvak, consisting of two identical 12U CubeSats designed to demonstrate and improve the technology readiness level of various payloads and vehicle components. The carry RF payloads developed by Lockheed Martin for receiving, crosslink, and ranging communication to facilitate demonstration capabilities.
SatNOGS Links
Mode S - QPSK - Payload Transmitter
- Type
- Transmitter
- Downlink Mode
- Downlink Frequency
- 2492000000
Mode U - GMSK19k6
- Type
- Transmitter
- Downlink Mode
- Downlink Frequency
- 400840000
- Baud
- 19600
Mode X - Payload Data
- Type
- Transmitter
- Downlink Mode
- FM
- Downlink Frequency
- 8380000000
Most Recent Observers (last 24h)
No observations recorded for Pony Express-2 SV1 in the last 24h
Data Frames Decoded - 30 Days
There is no decoded data for this satellite in the last 30
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Orbital Elements
Latest Two-Line Element (TLE)
- TLE Source
- Space-Track.org
- TLE Updated
- 2025-01-18 03:53:30 UTC
- TLE Set
1 59105U 24043H 25017.90303678 .00009332 00000-0 81286-3 0 9999
2 59105 97.7791 145.3806 0007293 277.9392 82.1002 14.97104761 47632
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